Local Meetup or Remote Training

Local Meetup or Remote Training (date: 9,11,19)
$100 Value! We come to you and help you with any of your project questions in person for 1 hour, you may also anytime purchase additional local help. If you reside in the area we cover.
We still help you remotely if you reside out of our coverage area
You may see our coverage map below. If you purchase Website The Lion, then you have a free meetup available for 1 hour as an in-person meeting-training. You may ask us how to login into your website to create a page, put your contents and images on it. How to change your menu items? or How to add another user? You may also ask us some more technically detailed questions for advanced users such as; How to improve SEO score on a page you are working on? How to add H1, H2 Tags and follow or no-follow links. You may even ask us, how to login into your server cPanel and make some changes on your website PHP, java codes or insert some new CSS codes on it.
We don?t really limit our customers on their meetup sessions, however, we also expect from our customers as you will ask us to show something that you will be able capable enough to handle the answer. We won?t be able to make a genius nerd out of from somebody first time trying to login into a website ever. You may also get additional sessions by reaching us anytime. We use the 1-hour session as soon as it starts, means we don?t make part of sessions, half an hour today, 2 weeks later another half an hour. But that also doesn?t mean that we won?t let you give a coffee break, we would like to have some coffee times with our clients as well!