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I own my website for forever right? (9/18/19)

yes! you own your website for forever, you can download your website project as a copy of it anytime after we complete your project and you can have it on your computer as a copy for any future use.

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can I change my template anytime? (9/18/19)

no! changing a template means we will need to put all your contents again. So you can not change your template every time you want, however we can help you with a quote. You may change your template only if we still didn?t start your project, so you would better decide or reach us fast as possible.

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where is my website login or any other account information? (9/18/19)

you should already receive an email from us with the title saying, ?information email? please check your email you gave us, also check your spam folder. It should be coming from ?info@websitebuildanddesign.com? or ?scheduling@acuityscheduling.com? our crm system. You can see your account panel url, user name and password. This user name and password are your global credentials which means same info for every access, website login, database, account management panel, hosting cpanel, backup password, emails, etc. Please login into your account panel from our website at websitebuildanddesign.com/account-page

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