[ultimate_heading main_heading=?Disclaimer? heading_tag=?h1? main_heading_color=?#000000? sub_heading_color=?#f44336? main_heading_style=?font-weight:bold;? main_heading_font_size=?desktop:40px;? main_heading_line_height=?desktop:40px;? sub_heading_style=?font-style:italic;,font-weight:bold;? sub_heading_font_size=?desktop:25px;? sub_heading_line_height=?desktop:25px;? main_heading_margin=?margin-bottom:20px;?]last updated: 9/20/2019[/ultimate_heading][ultimate_spacer height=?100?]

Website BUILD and DESIGN, M.U. is an independent technology service company and is no way affilitated with any of “WordPress, inmotion, Wix, GoDaddy, Squarespace, cPanel, Theme The7, Theme Avada, Dreamtheme, Woocommerce, Google Products, Microsoft Products, Bing Products, Yahoo Products, Facebook Products, YouTube Products, Formcraft, Acuity, Ultimate Membership Pro, File Manager, Instant Images – One Click Unsplash Uploads, WP-Sweep, FAST – WordPress Support Ticket Plugin, Simple Sitemap, Compress JPEG & PNG images, Schema – All In One Schema Rich Snippets, Broken Link Checker, Convert Plus, Tawk.to Live Chat, Mailchimp, Google Analytics Dashboard, WhatsApp me, Instagram Feed, Custom Facebook Feed, Custom Twitter Feeds, Google Reviews, Facebook Reviews, Yelp Reviews, WordPress Social Share Buttons, Companion Auto Update, CULA, Wordfence Security, WP Content Protection Manager, UpdraftPlus, Limit Login Attempts, WordPress SEO Plugin – Rank Math, WP Statistics” Systems, Software, Companies, Products or Brands.

Website BUILD and DESIGN, only advice and offers services by using public free or trial offered plugins, systems and may represent them as applications, apps and serves its very own customers, clients as installation and service payment and does not profit on any license belongs to any of those systems. Clients, customers or website visitors may upgrade their services, systems, subscriptions and we can also help them on that process by charging the services costs only. We do not sell their licenses nor we are part of any of them. Clients, customers or website visitors are free to delete, edit, remove or make any changes as they already offered as free or trial products.

Clients, customers or website visitors will have their own responsibility by using these systems, Software, Companies, Products or Brands. We have no responsibilities nor any connection with any of those, however we can still support, help, respond our customers according to our business profit. Any client, customer or website visitor may anytime get in touch and upgrade or purchase their paid licenses any time they desire, with no need to give any information to us.

All these Systems, Software, Companies, Products or Brands may collect data on their system. Website BUILD and DESIGN, M.U. is not responsible from those other’s actions. Clients and customers do accepts this responsibility when they purchase any of  our services. Clients and customers also may contact with them any time to ask any question or request they want.

Clients, customers and also we are limited to support and help level by those companies. We did not create them, we can only help what they offer. However our clients and customers may reach us for any custom project or need if necessarily we will do our best between companies by profiting on related service.

Website BUILD and DESIGN, does not keep any rights on their trademarks nor copyrights. We may mention their name under the Federal Trade Commission Policy Statement of “Statement of Policy Regarding Comparative Advertising”  as Comparative Advertising.

any of those Systems, Software, Companies, Products or Brands; license owners, right keepers may contact with us for any question via our email at info@websitebuildanddesign.com or phone number of 754.231.7474

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