[ultimate_heading main_heading=?How to rank your website with SEO contents?? heading_tag=?h1? main_heading_color=?#000000? main_heading_style=?font-weight:bold;? main_heading_font_size=?desktop:30px;? main_heading_line_height=?desktop:30px;?][/ultimate_heading][ultimate_spacer height=?20?]

there is a saying we all know ?quantity over quality? this is so true! SEO is a matter of code base and optimized words that makes an article of a web page. Having just the content won?t be good enough, as a web page agency we know how to carry the web pages to the search engines in a way they want.

How to rank your website with SEO contents

SEO is an abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization is a situation whereby search engine result rankings are positively influenced, thus increasing the quantity and quality of website traffic. In short, SEO places websites in front of more people on search engines platforms such as Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, without paying for ads. Although search engine optimization sounds like you will have to make changes on the search engines themselves, but the optimizations to be made will be on the website, blog, or website contents.

Why you should rank your website with SEO contents

Why you should rank your website with SEO contents?

These facts are collected from Search Engine Journals:

  • 91.5 percent of the average traffic share generated by the sites are listed on the first Google search results page.
  • 51 percent of all website traffic comes from organic search, 10 percent from paid search, 5 percent for social, and 34 percent from all other sources.
  • Over half of all website traffic comes from organic search — this is website traffic you ARE NOT paying for, so refining your SEO strategy can save you money.
  • 4 in 5 consumers use search engines to find local information.
  • 2 trillion of the estimated number of searches Google is handling per year worldwide. That breaks down to 63,000 searches per second; 3.8 million searches per minute; 228 million searches per hour; 5.5 billion searches per day; and 167 billion searches per month.
  • 20 percent of the number of times SEO has more traffic opportunity than PPC (Pay-Per-Click) are on both mobile and desktop.

How much Search Engine Optimization affects your business is up to you. If you do not take any step to optimize your website and its content for SEO, then Search Engine Optimization cannot work for you. However, if you take the necessary steps to optimize your website, you will enjoy the advantages of SEO such as increase in the quality and quantity of traffic to your site based on improved search result rankings.

SEO is exclusively different from other types of digital marketing, because with Search Engine Optimization, you are already visible online. People need various products or services and they are using the search engine to find out where they can get solutions. With Search Engine Optimization, there is no need paying for ads in order to attract customers back to your website. These set of people are already interested in what you have to offer, therefore implementing the right SEO strategy to be in front of them.

Things you need to know about search engine optimization

Things you need to know about search engine optimization

Basic search results

These results display as links with metadata (the description under URL.) Basic results does not include images, graphs, or shopping suggestions on the main SERP.

Enriched search results

This is the most common SERP available. The ways of enriching search results through paid ads, organic results, local packs, sponsored links, product carousels etc. Google constantly make updates and changes to its SEO algorithms in order to provide the most relevant search results, so that optimized search results will not be the same things.

Simple ways you can rank your website with SEO content

Below listed are three ways to rank you website with SEO content

Quality Content

Quality contents pays off a lot with the terms of search engine results rankings. Also a good website designer knows how to publish a content in a best way.

What makes Quality Content?

  • Search engines are always compatible with content that can be linked to from other web pages. If you create contents, that only you can access it (gated, hidden, non index) then search engines will not be able rank it. Search engines exists to provide information to those who are seeking it in real-time, so make your website content must be allowed to discover and link them.
  • Always aim for at least 1000 words website contents. Search engines always reward robust content, so 300-word blog post needs to be substituted with valuable and relevant content.
  • Valuable, quality informative content pushes demand. Search engines also ranks in-demand website contents. Before creating contents for your website, figure out what your audience needs to know and the latest trends by doing a comprehensive keyword research. If you are, using WordPress there are many free SEO tools and plugins that can help provide keyword suggestions such as, like ThirstyAffiliates or Yoast.
Keyword research

Keyword research

You can only have the right keywords when you know the needs of your audience . You will know what your audience are searching for, by the possible words and terms they include in their search keywords. And since you know what they need , you will be able to include such keywords in your content which can boost your website ranking. This step may take some time however its very much necessary for a good website design with a good web page design article structure.

There are lots of free tools that to help you know the trending keywords, such as Google Trends. This tool allows you to easily search for keywords and terms and compare them in order to discover how well-searched they are. These type of contents can influence the keywords to use in your content. If there is a term that is searched frequently and relates to the content you are writing , use it.

These are 10 free keyword research tools put together, most of which gives a comprehensive details about the keywords you can use.

  • On-page SEO

On-page SEO as described by MOZ “… is the practice of optimizing individual web pages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines.” It is the optimized individual web pages compatible with Google etc.

  • Title Tag

This is an important aspect because it shows the title on Search Engine Results Pages. It is the first text that the audience will see when search engine scans for search results, therefore a good title tag will attract them and get them to take action.

How to write a good title tag?
  • Avoid ALL CAPS
  • Do not stuff many keywords into it
  • Keep the title tag under 60 characters.
  • Some characters occupies more space than others do, so you can make use of free title tag preview tools to help you visualize how the title tag will look like.

URL structure

Making sure your URLs are functional on search engines is the best thing to do. Make sure the URLs of your website display page hierarchy. By doing this, the URL will be easy to read by search engines and analyze where the page or content can be found on your website.

What does a good URL look like?

A good URL looks like this, www.example.com and here is the breakdown of a good page hierarchy: Imagine if the URL listed above looked something like “www. example.com/int88/transt776.” The search engine will be unable to read this and definitely not be able to locate the page on your website.

What to avoid in order achieving a good SEO on your website

What to avoid in order achieving a good SEO on your website?

Irrespective of the what you know about SEO, avoid the following:

  • Keyword stuffing

Constantly, Search engines platforms are improving and filtering their algorithms to make sure that valuable contents are surfaced first on the search page. You cannot fool search engine by stuffing your website contents with keywords.

  • Duplicate content

When the same content appears on the internet in various places using various URLs, it is considered a duplicate content. It seem to be , making your contents available in various places, with different URLs. Duplicate contents are a form of confusion to search engines. People will find it hard to know Which URL is the main or correct web page for the content. Instead of facing various problems, the chances to suffer loss of traffic because the search engine will not provide duplicates contents.

  • Writing for search engines instead of people

Search engines exists to provide correct and concise information to the audience who needs it, or search for it. If your contents are choppy, keyword-stuffed, they will be very hard for human to read, and they will not. If people are not reading or interested in your content, there will be no demand. And No demand leads to poor search result rankings.

  • Content with lack of quality

Do not create contents without any aim. Make sure your contents are quality content and are relevant to what the audience needs and at least it should be 1000 words long, so that search engines will make it to surface higher on SERPs.

  • White Hat vs. Black Hat SEO

Black hat SEO strategies might seem to pay off, but just like the bad people, whatever strategy you implement that is related to black hat SEO will get you blacklisted from search engines. For instance, Google is continuously updating and refining the algorithms of its search engines and if the algorithm notices any questionable behavior such as keyword stuffing, google will penalize those behaviors therefore that black hat SEO strategy you are will not work again once the algorithm is updated, and this might lead to losing your authority. Good SEO strategy, or white hat SEO, will not put your website at risk of being penalized by search engines, and this will continue to enhance your website.

  • Off-page SEO

Unlike on-page Search Engine Optimization, off-page Search Engine Optimization or off-site Search Engine Optimization consists of strategies to improve search engine result rankings which is not done on your website. There are lots of things you can do to achieve this , but link-building is the most popular way . The more the links that exist to your website and its contents, the better but note that if you spam every website anyhow with your links in various comment platforms , that is not a good idea.

Link building occurs a various ways;

  • It might be naturally, which is when someone finds the content to be relevant and links to in one of his/her posts or pages
  • It might be manually, when you deliberately work to increase the number of links that exist on your website, for example asking clients or associates to link to your content.
  • Self-created links, and the links to your website or its content on random social media platform posts and blog comments, can be a good level of moderation.

Too much of spam comments or posts leads to black hat SEO strategy, so take note and tread carefully.

9 SEO Tools to Optimize Your Website

9 SEO Tools to Optimize Your Website

The way Google and other search engines ranks website is constantly changing, you need to be updated with the latest SEO trends in order to outpace the competition. Fortunately, there are many powerful tools to help you handle on-site SEO and provide the data you need for the improvement of website optimization. Each tools listed in this article will help improve and optimize your website for better SEO rankings on popular search engines, which includes Google and Bing. We also use some of these platforms to do our digital SEO marketing services for our clients.

1. SEMrush

SEMrush is a keyword research tool that provides data about the number of people are looking for specific terms. Above that, it provides information about similar keywords, product listings, related ads, and a lot more. SEMrush can also provide information about competitors’ strategies. For example, it can give information about the rate of traffic they are getting, even from paid ads, and their backlinks. With SEMrush, you will be able to know the exact result if a specific keyword is used, and check the terms that ranks for competitors. It also gives you access to peek into your competitors’ text and media ads, which can save you some money when it terms of testing.


2. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a tool with collection of different services that can be used to know more about how the search engine views your website. This service provides you with a wide array of tools to use, covering many different aspects of SEO. Google Search Console allows you to detect any crawling errors that occurs on your website so that it can be corrected right away. It can also figure out when the website is affected by malware, the type of keywords people are using to find your website, backlinks and more .Google Search Console is very easy to use and simple to understand. It is clear that if you can rank on Google, then there are high chances to do well in other search engines.

3. Google Ads Keyword Planner

Google Ads Keyword Planner is a comprehensive keyword research tools that allows you to look up keywords and get traffic estimation. More importantly, it can figure out the basis of competitive keywords are, and their Ads price. This tool allows you to filter keywords based on Cost-per-Click (CPC) or search volume. With this, you can have access to reports that is based only on the estimates you are aiming for. Overall, the Keyword Planner provides lots of functionality as same as other research tools on this list. The significant difference is that, it one is part of the Google ecosystem and you can always get amazingly detailed reports free of charge.

Google Ads Keyword Planner

4. BuzzStream

BuzzStream offers a collection of tools that helps with email marketing, domain research, and project management. It is a multipurpose platform and the sheer number of options if offers can be very intimidating. BuzzStream is able to collate lists of keywords results and provides information about each websites, with their overall rankings, domain age and authority, related social media accounts, , and lots more. These features can help with thorough SEO audit, researching who your competitors are and the type of contents they are publishing. Moreover, it can as well enable you to keep a closer eye on their strategies.

5. Moz Pro

Moz Pro is a suite of tools that is uses a data-driven approach. Moz Pro, gives an overview of the total number of people are searching for a particular keyword phrase, and it can even enable you create lists of keywords for easy comparison. This platform is available in Chrome extension so that you can use it to get information about any visited domain. Moreover, it provides suggestions about on-page optimization and gives notifications about crawling errors, more like Google Search Console.

6. HubSpot’s Website Grader

HubSpot’s Website Grader is straightforward than all other tools. This tool generates report about any website visited in real-time and these reports will give you the opportunity to find separate scores for your website’s performance, SEO, mobile-friendliness, and security. This tool breaks down every part of the report and provides tips on how to improve every element. HubSpot’s Website Grader is simple to use, and it can help improve websites quickly. In addition, it will not cost you a thing, so this one definitely deserves your attention.

7. Ontolo

Ontolo is a research tool that can be used to search for marketing and SEO opportunities. It sources for backlinks and guest posting opportunities. The idea behind Ontolo is that it gives options to grow traffic beyond just keyword research.

8. WooRank

WooRank is similar to HubSpot’s Website Grader, in such a way that you will have to insert a link and it will provide you with a full report. In this case, WooRank gives a single score for your entire website. After that, it then ventures into a list of various things you can do to improve its SEO and mobile-friendliness. The unique selling point of this tool in this case, is that WooRank also gives tips to improve your website’s performance and usability. The recommendations of the platform are solid. You can as well get full analysis of how well you are doing from a backlink perspective. This is an excellent tool for a quick rundown of what is done right and wrong on your website, including issues concerning SEO.

9. Varvy SEO Tool

This is also an ‘Enter a URL and get a report’ tool. However, this one is different from those that are introduced earlier. What Varvy SEO Tool does is that, it checks to see if your website is Google’s SEO compliant and provide a full SEO report in seconds. In addition, that report is very extensive. It also checks for other elements like mobile-friendliness, page speed issues, on-page SEO, and lots more. However, the best part of Varvy SEO Tool is that it really takes its time to explain the essence of each of its configuration. If you are new to SEO or website optimization in general, you will probably like all the information that this tool offers.

How to rank your website with SEO contents conclusion


If you are working to improve your SEO strategies, your website and business will be affected positively. A good and quality SEO strategy will increase the prospect of your website content and make your web pages rank higher in search engine results. In addition, when your content displays in search results, it will lead to you getting more website traffic and quality traffic, after all, the audience are already looking for what you have to offer through the search engine.

As you exploit the world of SEO, remember to take note of your pages and content in SERPs so that you will be able to know your SEO results and progress.