[ultimate_heading main_heading=?Google Reviews App? heading_tag=?h1? main_heading_color=?#000000? sub_heading_color=?#f44336? spacer=?image_only? spacer_position=?bottom? spacer_img_width=?? main_heading_style=?font-weight:bold;? main_heading_font_size=?desktop:40px;? main_heading_line_height=?desktop:40px;? sub_heading_style=?font-style:italic;,font-weight:bold;? sub_heading_font_size=?desktop:25px;? sub_heading_line_height=?desktop:25px;? spacer_img=?id^358|url^https://www.websitebuildanddesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Google-Reviews-App-100px-min.png|caption^null|alt^null|title^Google Reviews App 100px-min|description^null? main_heading_margin=?margin-bottom:20px;? margin_design_tab_text=??]display Google My Business Page Reviews on your website

[/ultimate_heading][ultimate_heading main_heading=?$100 (Installation Included)? heading_tag=?span? main_heading_color=?#03a9f4? sub_heading_color=?#f44336? main_heading_style=?font-weight:bold;? main_heading_font_size=?desktop:30px;? main_heading_line_height=?desktop:30px;? sub_heading_style=?font-style:italic;,font-weight:bold;? sub_heading_font_size=?desktop:25px;? sub_heading_line_height=?desktop:25px;? margin_design_tab_text=??][/ultimate_heading]

Google Reviews App | Website Design Agency
Google Reviews App | Website Design Agency
Google Reviews App | Website Design Agency
Google Reviews App | Website Design Agency
Google Reviews App | Website Design Agency

Google Reviews App display Google Business Reviews on your websites in sidebar widget. A unique feature of the Google Reviews App is that it saves reviews in WordPress database and have no depend on any services like Google to show reviews in the widget.


  • SEO
  • Refresh reviews
  • Trim long reviews with “read more” link
  • Support page builders: Elementor, Page Origin, Beaver Builder, WPBakery, Divi
  • Displays up to 5 Google business reviews per location
  • Keep all reviews in WordPress database
  • Shows real reviews from G+ users to increase user confidence
  • Easy search of place and instantly show reviews
  • Custom business place photo
  • Review list theme
  • Pagination
  • Support dark websites
  • Nofollow, target=”_blank” links
  • Zero load time regardless of your site
  • Works even if Google is unavailable
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Buy ``Google Reviews App`` Now
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