[ultimate_heading main_heading=?Facebook Feed App? heading_tag=?h1? main_heading_color=?#000000? sub_heading_color=?#f44336? spacer=?image_only? spacer_position=?bottom? spacer_img_width=?? main_heading_style=?font-weight:bold;? main_heading_font_size=?desktop:40px;? main_heading_line_height=?desktop:40px;? sub_heading_style=?font-style:italic;,font-weight:bold;? sub_heading_font_size=?desktop:25px;? sub_heading_line_height=?desktop:25px;? spacer_img=?id^356|url^https://www.websitebuildanddesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Facebook-Feed-App-100px-min.png|caption^null|alt^null|title^Facebook Feed App 100px-min|description^null? main_heading_margin=?margin-bottom:20px;?]Display completely customizable, responsive and search engine crawl-able Facebook feeds on your website

[/ultimate_heading][ultimate_heading main_heading=?$50 (Installation Included)? heading_tag=?span? main_heading_color=?#03a9f4? sub_heading_color=?#f44336? main_heading_style=?font-weight:bold;? main_heading_font_size=?desktop:30px;? main_heading_line_height=?desktop:30px;? sub_heading_style=?font-style:italic;,font-weight:bold;? sub_heading_font_size=?desktop:25px;? sub_heading_line_height=?desktop:25px;?][/ultimate_heading]

Facebook Feed App | Website Design Agency
Facebook Feed App | Website Design Agency
Facebook Feed App | Website Design Agency
Facebook Feed App | Website Design Agency

Display Facebook posts on your website. Completely customizable, responsive and search engine crawlable. Display multiple Facebook feeds from any public Facebook page, and completely match the look and feel of the site with tons of customization options!


  • Super simple to set up – 1 minute quick setup with no Facebook Developer App required
  • Display feeds from ANY Facebook page – even ones you aren’t an admin of
  • Completely Customizable – By default the Facebook feed will adopt the style of your website, but can be completely customized to look however you like – with tons of styling and customization options!
  • Facebook feed content is crawlable by search engines adding SEO value to your site – other Facebook plugins embed the feed using iframes which are not crawlable
  • Completely responsive and mobile optimized – layout looks great on any screen size and in any container width
  • Display feeds from multiple different Facebook pages and use the shortcode to embed them into a page, post or widget anywhere on your site
  • Add your own custom CSS
  • Caching means that your Facebook posts load lightning fast. Set your own caching time – check for new posts on Facebook every few seconds, minutes, hours or days. You decide.
  • Show and hide certain parts of each Facebook post
  • Show or hide the Facebook profile picture and name of the author above each post
  • Display Facebook posts by just the page owner, everyone who posts on your Facebook page, or only other people
  • Control the width, height, padding and background color of your Facebook feed
  • Customize the size, weight and color of text
  • Choose to set a background color and rounded corners on your Facebook posts
  • Supports Facebook tags – creates links when using the @ symbol to tag people in your Facebook posts
  • Automatically links hashtags used in posts to the hashtag page on Facebook
  • Select the number of Facebook posts to display
  • Select from a range of date formats or enter your own
  • Use your own custom link text in place of the defaults
  • Use the shortcode options to style multiple Facebook feeds in completely different ways
  • Set a maximum character length for both the text and descriptions of your Facebook posts
  • Create a customizable header with a range of icons for your Custom Facebook Feed
  • Localization/i18n support to allow every part of the feed to be displayed in your language

Benefits of The Custom Facebook Feed App

  • Increase social engagement between you and your users, customers, or fans
  • Save time by using the Custom Facebook Feed to generate dynamic, search engine crawlable content on your website
  • Get more likes by displaying your Facebook content directly on your site
  • Improve your SEO as all of that quality keyword-rich Facebook content from posts and comments is directly embedded into your website
  • Display your Facebook content your way to perfectly match your website’s style
  • No Coding Required – choose from tons of built-in customization options to create a truly unique feed of your Facebook content.
  • The App is updated regularly with new features, bug-fixes and Facebook API changes
  • Support is quick and effective
  • We’re dedicated to providing the most customizable, robust and well supported Facebook feed App in the world!

We Have Two Goals:

  • Creating and maintaining the most useful, functional, customizable, robust and down-right awesomist Facebook feed App your website has ever seen.
  • To provide the quickest, friendliest and most mind-blowingly amazing product support you have ever experienced.
Facebook Feed App | Website Design Agency
Facebook Feed App | Website Design Agency
Facebook Feed App | Website Design Agency
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