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create any custom form and collect inputs easily

[/ultimate_heading][ultimate_heading main_heading=?$100 (Installation Included)? heading_tag=?span? main_heading_color=?#03a9f4? sub_heading_color=?#f44336? main_heading_style=?font-weight:bold;? main_heading_font_size=?desktop:30px;? main_heading_line_height=?desktop:30px;? sub_heading_style=?font-style:italic;,font-weight:bold;? sub_heading_font_size=?desktop:25px;? sub_heading_line_height=?desktop:25px;?][/ultimate_heading]

Custom Form Builder App | Website Design Agency
Custom Form Builder App | Website Design Agency
Custom Form Builder App | Website Design Agency
Custom Form Builder App | Website Design Agency

Drag & Drop Form Builder

Custom Form Builder App is a drag-and-drop form builder to create and embed forms, and track submissions. Our WYSIWYG form builder is fast, easy-to-use and offers extensive customization, allowing you to build simple contact forms or complicated application forms.

Create Gorgeous Forms

Forms don’t have to look ugly anymore. We have spent a lot of time on our form builder platform to make sure all the forms made with Custom Form Builder App form builder are as stylish and beautiful as your website. All our forms are responsive on all devices, by default. Custom Form Builder App form builder is a great alternate to other form builders like Contact Form 7

Responsive All the Way

The future is mobile. All your forms are responsive by default. You don’t need to flip a switch. It’s built-in.

Email Notifications

You don’t have to login to your WordPress to check for new entries. We will send over all new entry notifications via email.


Custom Form Builder App can be used to make a variety of forms, like contact form, support form, application form, etc …

4th Gen Form Building Platform

Custom Form Builder App is based on our 4th Gen form building platform, which is a complete re-write over the 3rd Gen platform. It is fast, lightweight, and makes gorgeous forms.

Custom Form Builder App | Website Design Agency
Custom Form Builder App | Website Design Agency
Custom Form Builder App | Website Design Agency


  1. Drag & drop form builder
  2. Responsive forms
  3. Support for 8 fields types, including custom HTML
  4. Embed forms using shortcode in your site
  5. Get live email notifications on form submissions
  6. Export / Import form templates
  7. Lightweight and fast
  8. Form validation – front-end and back-end
  9. Translation-ready
  10. Conditional Logic
  11. Math logic for making order forms, quizzes
  12. Auto-save form progress
  13. Over 20+ form fields, including special fields like star rating, sliders, matrix, etc …
  14. Accept multiple files uploads using the forms
  15. Integrations for popular services like MailChimp, GetResponse, Campaign Monitor, Aweber
  16. Embed popup forms, fly-in forms, or sticky-button forms on your site
  17. Download form templates from our online form template gallery
  18. Export all your submissions to CSV, or spreadsheet format
  19. Send customized auto-responders to your users
  20. Get form analytics in your WordPress dashboard
  21. Comprehensive online documentation, and one-on-one support
  22. Support for one-click checkout, through Stripe
  23. Dozens of add-ons, like multi-page forms, user registration, form to post, etc …
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Buy ``Custom Form Builder App`` Now
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Custom Form Builder App | Website Design Agency
Custom Form Builder App | Website Design Agency
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Buy ``Custom Form Builder App`` Now
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